
LITUANIAN TOURS Ltd est l'opérateur le plus expérimenté parmi les voyagistes réceptifs et DMC en Lituanie et dans les États Baltes. Depuis 20 ans, il est présent sur le marché du tourisme et remporte de nombreux succès. Nous nous engageons dans toutes les phases de planification, d'exploitation et de commercialisation de nos programmes de voyage. Nous traitons les arrangements pour les groupes, les voyageurs, les entreprises et les hommes d'affaires à des tarifs très attrayants et compétitifs qui ont été atteints grâce à notre pouvoir d'achat important.

Nous proposons un large choix concernant le programme du voyage: des éléments éducatifs et religieux, culturel; une découverte de la nature; des visites du weekend; des visites de studios d'artistes; des soirées folkloriques; des concerts symphoniques et des quatuors à cordes dans les palais et les églises; des programmes particuliers, etc. Les services que nous offrons à nos clients couvrent la Lituanie, la Lettonie, l'Estonie, la région de Helsinki. Nous assurons une haute qualité à des prix très compétitifs.

Un autre domaine en rapide expansion de notre activité est l'arrangement pour les congrès, conférences et réunions au service des clients représentants des entreprises nationales et internationales. Afin de maximiser les occasions d'affaires dans ce domaine et relever les normes dans l'organisation de réunions et de conférences, nous avons rejoint les loisirs voyage séparé de MICE.

La société Lituanien Tours reste au service de la FIT et du marché de groupe. Sa filiale ELIT Events Baltic contient le plein Destination Management Company (DMC) et propose ses services à travers tous les États Baltes.

Les principaux marchés générant la plus grande partie de notre chiffre d’affaires se trouvent en Allemagne, Italie, Finlande, France, aux Etats-Unis et pays scandinaves.

L'engagement principal de l'entreprise et son personnel se base sur la flexibilité, l’efficacité, la réponse à toute demande en 24 heures, le service personnalisé, la modalité de besoins de chaque voyageur unique. Notre devise est: « Le partenaire d'un client satisfait et heureux ».

Arūnas Šarka

General Manager


Phone: +370 5 2502635


Egle Jakubėnaitė

Executive Director


Phone: +370 5 2724163


Eglė Kazlauskaitė - Laucienė (on a maternity leave)

Sales & Conference Manager


E-mail (ELIT Events Baltic):

Phone: +370 5 2502624


Laura Subačienė

Sales Manager


Phone: +370 5 2724163


Vida Karvelytė

Chief Accountant


Phone: +370 5 2756107


Pawel Jeglinski

Our contact and representative in Italy


Phone: +39 3804550325

Veuillez trouver ici ce que les gens de différents pays du monde pensent de la Lituanie et de Lithuanian Tours. Bonne lecture et pensez à venir en Lituanie.


Bonsoir Dovile,
Tout est parfait.
J'apprécie votre professionnalisme et nous aurons l'occasion de poursuivre notre collaboration dans le futur car je suis ravi  de votre réactivité.
J'attends votre retour pour le Pass

Les clients sont rentrés ravis !!!

Merci infiniment pour ton super travail Dovile !!

Ciao Renata,

sei sempre più veloce di Speedy Gonzales J !!!

Grazie mille,


Dear Dovile,

Just FYI - had very good feedback from these clients about their tour and especially about their guide.  They really loved her and wanted me to pass along how much they enjoyed their tour and her assistance.

Thank you for taking such good care of our travelers!

Have a nice weekend,


Dear Egle Marija,

I finished speaking with the Batesons regarding their trip to the Baltics. They had a lovely time. They mentioned that they thought all of the guides were wonderful and knowledgeable, they said they learned so much about these three countries that they had no clue about. So I wanted to let you know that they really appreciated your services.

Thank you Egle Marija.

Kind regards,


Ciao Renata

Mi ha scritto adesso la sig.ra Piccardo Teresa che ha partecipato al tour del 30 luglio. Complimenti per tutto soprattutto alla Guida e ottima puntualità nei trasferimenti!

Bravi e grazie di tutto



Carissimo Pawel

Come stai ? spero tutto bene. Mi scuso se non ti ho scritto prima in merito al gruppo CORZANO. Ti informo che il gruppo è rientrato pienamente soddisfatto di tutti i servizi offerti. Una nota particolare per te..... 'PAWEL E' STATO FANTASTICO'!!!!!

Grazie Pawel per l'ottima riuscita del viaggio.

Domenica Bottecchia

Ciao Pawel

Spero tu stia bene! Siamo sul traghetto diretto a Helsinki. Abbiamo lasciato Tallinn e i Baltici con grande dispiacere perché ci sono piaciuti tantissimo! Volevamo ringraziarti perché i servizi sono stati ottimi! Tutti gli Hotel in posizione comoda per il centro e per muoversi a piedi. Auto spaziosa e confortevole. Guide bravissime. Ringraziamo Ullastina, Antra e Marina. Ma soprattutto ringraziamo te per averci organizzato cosi bene il viaggio.

Fammi sapere quando sarai a Milano per incontrarci! Faremo pubblicità con amici e colleghi sperando di passarti qualche altra prenotazione!

Un caro saluto

Ilaria, Mauro, Salvatore e Maria

Dear Viktorija and Egle,

Just wanted to let you know that our clients had a wonderful visit and loved their guides. Thank you for all the care you took in planning and executing the itinerary and accommodating their long list of museums. And please, let all the guides and the drivers know how much we appreciate their efforts.

Have a good summer!

Kind regards,


Thank you Rita for the excellent service.

Mike and I enjoyed an amazing tour with the highest quality people. I truly appreciated how thoughtful and careful the tour guides and drivers were. Everyone was 100% reliable and very nice.

Thank you especially for the flexibility. I know so little about Latvia and Lithuania before I went there that I couldn't say specifically what we needed to see. As we traveled it became clearer what the priorities were. The guides were so helpful in showing us things and explaining The complicated history.

The hotels were excellent. Thank you especially for the Palanga portion which was a great and happy surprise for us. It was relaxing and beautiful and we saw things we have never seen. Every day of the tour was a real joy.

I tried to write a top review on trip advisor but I couldn't find your company. I would be delighted to do so. My husband and I learned so much the few days we spent there. All three guides and the three drivers were very open about the country's history and the situation today. Thank you again.


Here we are !

Our trip through Belarus and Countries of the Baltics , has been a success .

Congratulations for your organization .We appreciated: you were availabal every time we needed some advices or precisions .

The planning :well balanced ; the hotels: comfortable and well situated for visits ; the guides friendly and efficient . All the ingredients were "met " to have an unforgettable trip .

Thanks ; we wish a long life for Lithuanian Tours .

With our best regards .

Jacqueline et Pierre Barthélémy .

P.S: sorry for all my mistakes writing this note

Carissima Renata,

con riferimento a questa prenotazione ti scrivo per dirti che i clienti sono stati molto contenti della vostra organizzazione e della competenza delle Guide.

Grazie per la tua preziosa collaborazione, cari saluti e buon lavoro


Dear Egle:

Hello...I heard from Elayne Kollins and the group had a wonderful time on your tour. They thought it was excellent and were so happy to have Iga as their guide again.

Earl Davis

Bonjour Adeline,

Juste un petit mot pour vous dire que nous sommes bien rentrées et très heureuses de notre séjour.  Celà nous a rassurées de pouvoir vous rencontrer et nous accompagner au bureau de change. Quelques petits ennuis de santé m'ont empêchée de vous contacter avant. J'espère que Sandrine l'a fait car nous n'avons pas eu encore le temps de nous téléphoner.

La saison touristique doit commencer dans les pays Baltes et le travail ne doit pas manquer pour vous.

Donc je vous laisse travailler et j'envoie un petit mot de remerciement à la personne qui avait recherché les coordonnées de Jadwiga Trybocka.

Bonne continuation et merci encore.


Dear Jurgita,

Look forward to working with you again in the near future.  On a personal I have been very impressed by your services and your company.

Warmest regards,


Jurgita, I am very pleased to confirm that all arrangements for which I purchased and for which you supplied for my recent time in Latvia and Lithuania were handled very professionally by the drivers and guides! I enjoyed my time in Latvia and Lithuania! Thanks ever so much for your assistance! I’ll write more later!


Buonasera Renata!

Siamo tornati a Cagliari. Il nostro viaggio e' stato per tutti un piacere...anche per merito tuo!.. Dovesse capitarti di venire in Sardegna saremo lieti di accoglierti!.. Grazie ancora

Giuseppina Fenu & Il Mosaico

 Hi Jurga! We are here enjoying Lithuania! Having a wonderful time! ...the tour guide and bus driver have been excellent!!! Thank you again!


Sent from my iPad

Jurgita - hi, how are you?

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for arranging both the day trip and the transport to and from the airport - everything went brilliantly and it made it so much easier for us.

Emilia, our guide, was wonderful - please thank you yet again - she was so much fun and had impeccable English.  And the trip to the village and the meal was extremely good too - so thank you to you for suggesting it.  To be recommended, loved it.

Loved the whole few days in Lithuania - Vilnius is such a beautiful city, you're very lucky to live there.

A HUGE thank you once again for arranging everything - I know it's your job, but I am grateful!  And it was lovely!!

Thanks Jurgita

Jackie Horsewood

Signora Renata buongiorno, sono rientrato ieri in ufficio ed approfitto della pausa pranzo per scriverle. Voglio complimentarmi con lei e con la Lithuanian Tours per la professionalità e la cortesiache io e ia moglie abbiamo riscontrato nella guida Jurgida, nell'autista del pullmane negli alberghi. Siamo stati bene per tutto il tour e sicuramente vi raccomanderò ai mieiamici ed a chiunque dovesse chiedermi notizie sulle mie vacanze nei paesi baltici.  cordialmente enrico

Dear Alicia,

We just finished our 2 days with Iga.  Everything was beyond perfect.  We hated to say goodbye to her.  Her work is wonderful and we were appreciative of every minute we spent together.  We love the hotel as well.  Thank you for helping us to plan a perfect few days.  

All of our best,

Diane and Steve Krentzman

15 June, 2013

Hallo Dovile, 

die Gruppe Krutwig ist wieder im Lande und bedankt sich für die tolle Organisation der Reise J

Insgesamt war die Gruppe sehr zufrieden!! Vielen Dank an dich, das ganze Team und alle Beteiligten!!! 

Liebe Grüße


10 June, 2013

 Здравствуйте, Юргита!  

Хотели лично Вас поблагодарить за тур. Все было очень хорошо организовано, интересно, прекрасный водитель и замечательный экскурсовод просто влюбили нас в Литву :) Спасибо. Счастливого Рождества и хорошего Нового года! Скажите, пожалуйста, есть ли у Вашей фирмы еще какие-то индивидуальные туры? Может быть есть туры в других странах? Мы бы с удовольствием еще воспользовались Вашими услугами.

Всего доброго. Анна

25 December, 2012

Liebe Dovile, 

Besten Dank für Deine Unterstützung. Die Gäste waren super zufrieden. 

Viele Grüße aus Polen


10 December, 2012

Hi Alicija,

I hope this message finds you well. I've just heard from our clients the

Thomas party, they're back from their travels and they advise that

everything went "like clockwork" and they had a wonderful time. Thank

you so much for your help and attention with these pax!



17 October, 2012

Turiu jums komplimenta pries jusu konkurentus - esat labai saunus ir kompetentingi! Patinka jusu greita reakcija ir draugiskas poziuris - keep on! Sekmes!


Pagarbiai / Best regards


11 October, 2012


I just wanted to thank you for all of the help with the Judith Johnson trip. She just called me and raved about it. She loved all of the guides, and said that everything was great! Even her husband, who did not want to go, had a fantastic time and now loves the Baltics.

Thank you for all of your help with this. I  know that it was a last minute scramble! 

She really liked the excursions in Kaliningrad--thank you for helping me with that. It was one of the top highlights!

Once again thank you. 



9 October, 2012

Dear Sigita,

I just talked to both group leaders: they were very satisfied with their tours! Group I liked the technical visits which were very professional. And group II really liked the guide. So thank you and your team for your organization!

Mrs Arquint who has lost her passport was very satisfied that she got a new passport so fast.

So thank you for everything.

Best regards,


08 October, 2012 

Dear Jolanta,

We have returned safely thank you. We had a fantastic time in Dzukija. All the services were great

Accommodation – clean and well equipped house close to river. Owner always there an very helpful if we needed anything   

Driver – good  

Fishing Guide – excellent. He knew a lot about fishing in the area and all the men enjoyed what he had to teach and show them. He went out of his way to show them different areas and types of fishing.

Thank you for your efficient services as well.



26 July, 2012

Hi Jurga

Just a quick note to thank you for all your organisation and help with our recent tour

We had a fantastic time in Lithuania :)

Our tour guides and drivers were great. We would have liked to have spent more time in Kaunas however maybe next time

Many thanks

Daris and Sani

02 July, 2012

Hi Jurga,

Just a note to let you know how pleased my clients were with your service!  You provided excellent service, a great guide and for me, you were a pleasure to work with!

Thank you very much and I will definitely contact you again if I have clients wanting to tour Lithuania.

Have a great summer!

Best regards,

Helene Vassilakakis

27 Jun, 2012

Sveika, Jurga! I hope you are well, and that life is treating well also.

It has taken us a week to recover from the best vacation anyone could hope to have in their lifetime. You did a superb job putting together our trip. It went far beyond all our expectations. Everything went exceptionally smoothly, from airport transfers to hotel check-ins to admissions to the attractions. All of our guides were excellent, especially Ada in St. Petersburg. She somehow managed to get us in to places without having to stand in line even once. There may have been 200 people in a line, but she got us past them and inside quickly. She also had an encyclopaedic knowledge of everything in every palace, or church or museum. An amazing asset.

We sure saw some interesting places. Your choices were absolutely perfect. I gather from our guides that your average tourist does not visit some of these places; but then again, we’re not your average tourists. We like to explore the road less travelled, and see the real country and meet the real people, and don’t mind a bit of exercise. (Actually, a lot of exercise. There sure are a lot of stairs in the Baltics :)

You might be interested to know that all of our guides said that Lithuanian Tours was the best company to work for. I think it’s the best company to book a tour with. As far as we’re concerned, you are Number 1!

I think the best part of the whole trip was having Valdas as our driver. We were so happy to see him again. He is the best driver we’ve ever had. He is safe, he is extremely courteous, and he is very funny. We really enjoyed his company. His English is really good now. He must have been working very hard on it. We have adopted him, and he is now part of our family. :)

We all agree that of all the places we visited on the tour, Lithuania was by far the best. When we arrived in Vilnius, we felt like we were home. It’s a very comfortable place, and we will be back as soon as possible, that is, if you’ll have us :).

Thank you again for all your hard work. It is much appreciated.

Best regards,


p.s. We’re thinking Skamba Skamba Kankliai should be an annual tradition

13 June, 2012

Dear Jolanta!

Thank you very much.

We had a wonderfull jorney an weather was mostly fine. We saw many things had a realy good hotel with super service and also the shiptripp was calm and the buffet very good.

Thank you for your help.

Greetings Michaela Kratz

27 May, 2012

Dear Egle,

We were very happy with the service we received yesterday, taking us from Vilnius to Vitebsk. The driver was very polite and helpful, especially at the border crossing and his driving was excellent, even in very difficuly conditions (there was a severe storm at about 3pm).

Thankyou very much for arranging this "emergency" transport for us,

Yours sincerely,

Clare Haig and Philip Watters

17 May, 2012

Dear Egle,

Thank you for help with sight seeing in Vilnius. We enjoyed it very much, and it is interesting that repeated guided tours don’t get dull, but are always a little different, and you get new insights and information every time. Now I have three more friends that are fond of Lithuania! J



16 May, 2012

Dear Mr Ambrozaitis ,

I am Maria Rosa Boldorini of LOT sales department in Milan and we met last month in Vilnius in occasion of  Baltic Fam Trip.

Sorry for delay but I was a little busy after my return . I just want to thank you and all your staff for organization and support during all whole fam trip . Pls forward also my personal thanks and on behalf of Lot Polish Airlines to Mrs Jolanta who was so precious during our visit in Vilnius .

The organization was perfect and I must say that the destinations were a success among all customers .We expect groups from them .

A special thank to my friend Pawel for your usual support in IT market .

Thank you again and hope to see you in Vilnius with many  new groups.

Best regards

Maria Rosa Boldorini

Lot Polish Airline 

16 March, 2012

Il nostro piccolo gruppo di ritorno dal tour Riga e Vilnius con un programma personalizzato e' tornato entusiasta. Ottimi hotel, servizi puntuali e guide eccellenti, bravissime. Sono stati molto soddisfatti del programma, tant'e' che ci hanno gia' fatto una richiesta per il prossimo viaggio!

Insomma, con Raimonda e Ieva è andato tutto alla grande. E grazie alla tua collaborazione per consigliare gli htls giusti


05 September, 2011

Buon giorno da Francesca Fratesole,vi volevo ringraziare per il viaggio appena finito.Il Tour leader è stato contentissimo sia degli alberghi, che dei ristoranti che del servizio guida!Grazie mille per la collaborazione

Francesca g.

24 August, 2011 

Liebe Kristina,

Ich muss noch berichten, dass wir ueber diese Reise viele sehr positive Rueckmeldungen bekommen haben! Alle waren sehr zufrieden mit den Hotels, dem Bus, dem Fahrer und ganz besonders mit der Reiseleitung!! Und auch die Reiseleiterin bei dem Privatausflug von Vater und Sohn Lachmann wurde besonders gelobt. Vielen Dank und bitte gib es weiter.

Liebe Gruesse! Ulrike

22 July, 2011

Dear Ms Skinder,

The Baltics are fabulous. We had a marvellous time. The hotels you booked for us always met and often exceeded our expectations. We thank you very much for your excellent service. We will certainly recommend both Lithuanian tours and you perspnally to anyone interested in repeating our experience.

Philip Shea

30 June, 2011 

Dear Ms. Jakubenaite,

This is Father John e-mailing you from California. I have just returned from a most wonderful trip that ranks among my most memorable and meaningful travel experiences. I have you to thank for this and I want to let you know how much I appreciate everything you did for me. My three day trips were all great. I was able to do and see everything I had hoped and much much more. Kestas was an EXCELLENT guide and made each experience even more meaningful. I just can't thank you enough. I also want you to know how impressed I am with your beautiful country. Lithuania is truly amazing and I am so glad I had a chance to experience so much of the country. Thank you again for everything!

May God bless you always.

Most Sincerely, Father John Neiman.

P.S. I also want to let you know that my experiences in Lithuania have greatly inspired my faith. 

4 May, 2011

Hi Alicija, Vlad, Luba, and Natalia, I wanted to let you know that I spoke with Jane O'Connell and Cynthia Hiteman about their trip and they absolutely loved it!  They came back with very positive feed back.  All the guides and drivers did a wonderful job and the trip went beyond what the clients expected.

Thank you for all of your hard work and please let your guides and drivers know that they did a wonderful job on this trip for Jane and Cynthia.

Take Care,

Jennifer Tam

15 November, 2010


We have returned from our Eastern Europe 38 day trip.  We appreciated your organization and ALL aspects of your items supplied were right on.  Tour guides did a great job, hotels were excellent with great breakfasts and our car and driver were super.  He did not have English but we managed and he went out of his way to help. Thanks for a well organized segment of our trip!

John and Mary Berg

01 November, 2010

Dear Jolanta,

Thank you for your help in making our trip to Vilnius and Kaunas a  comfortable and fascinating experience. You provide wonderful service, and I expect to work with you again as I bring more friends to discover what a wonderful country Lithuania is.

Best regards,

Richard Flinn

07 September, 2010

Dear Ms JolantaI am Jim Braude, part of the group (FLINN etc) you just handled during our recent visit to (our) beautiful country.I want to thank you again. It was absolutely wonderful.  Special thanks to your guide, William who did a fantastic job as our guide.I must tell you that the moment we stood in the cemetery in Ariogala, where both of my great grandparents are buried, this is a moment i will never forget. William's determination to get me there, and his balanced perspective on  issues surrounding the holocaust, all added to an experience of a life time.Your country is in my blood. Thank you. Until the next time.Jim BraudeGreat grandson of Chana Meera Napokshanksy of Ariogala and Iankel Zel of Datnuva.07 September, 2010 

Hi Alicija,

Hello from Baku.

Thank you and Iga for the fantastic Northwestern trip. All reports are very positive. I really appreciate your work making it a successful tour. Herebelow are some comments from Arlene Alpert-Mehlman.

Thank you,Dima

I am exhausted from jet lag, but wanted you to hear positive feedback..Trip was all Es-exciting, educational, and emotional.. It is a trip hard to come down from, as so  many sights, such as memorials to murdered people and concentration camps, were very stirring.  I found Warsaw especially depressing..I was glad that our last day ended the trip on a somewhat better tone as I got to visit my grandparents home towns..Our personal guide, Iga, had done her homework and gone to the towns in advance to check everything out and meet some people who were able to guide us..she is a lovely person, whose family's involvement in saving 28 Jews during the war years, was an instant way to bond with us and demonstrate her sincere interest in Jewish life...Like other guides, we were amazed by the great lengths she had gone to, to study and learn about Jewish history and culture..They are to be commended...and thanks to her, we have now  even met the mayors of some of these places.

04 September, 2010

Hi Egle,

I have not had a chance yet but I wanted to thank you for the terrific job you did with this group to Belarus. 

They all had a great time and were very happy that they made the trip. 

They told me that Irina was wonderful and that Boleg, the driver, was most accommodating.

I hope you got a positive report from Irina as well.

Hopefully, we will do it again.  If not to David-Horodok, perhaps to other areas.

Warm regards and thanks again,

Rosalyn (and Emily).   

11 August, 2010

Dear Jolanta,

Our tour in Baltic was very excited and we enjoyed it very much. Everything is well arranged by your company and the guides are also excellent, Cornelia, Ieva and Magrid.

We thank you very much for your kind attention and great service to us.

Thank you once again for your great assistance to us. Of course we will contact you again in our second visit to Baltic next time and will advice our friends to visit your country.

May God bless you and please let me know if you have opportunity to visit our country.

with our best wishes,

Guntur & Maria.

17 July, 2010

 Srtas. Alicija y Renata

    1.- Ya de regreso en Argentina, Rosario, queremos con mi esposa Lilians hacerles breve comentario sobre nuestra vivencia del Baltico - Lituania, Letonia y Estonia - para el que Ud. nos proveyeron de hotelería y traslados.

    Todo muy bien, buenos los hoteles - Mabre, Domina Inn y Domina Almarine - excelentemente ubicados. Los medios de transporte buenos y facil acceso a las respectivas estaciones de omnibus.

    Tuvimos un solo inconveniente al llegar a Vilnius el 31 de mayo al aeropuesto por Lufthansa. El servicio de traslado no fue prestado, no concurrió la persona a quienes Udes. encomendaron. Se lo informamos para que tomen los recaudos consecuentes, y nos acrediten en la tarjeta el valor de ese servicio.

    2.- Ahora lo mas importante. 

    Conocimos lugares y gentes, educada, con una presencia que denota educación y positiva contracción a las tareas en las que están empeñados.

      Sus Iglesias, Católicas u Ortodoxas en perfectas condiciones, abiertas a los feligreses,  a quien observamos en actitud de rezo sincero.

       No hemos tenido dificultad con el idioma, ni con el cambio de monedas, aún en los restaurantes para elegir el menú y pedir vino, bebida que los argentinos consumimos habitualmente en lugar de la cerveza - birra -.

       Nos movilizamos con los mapas proveidos por los respectivos hoteles, y a caminar.

       Vimos a tres paises bálticos en mejores condiciones socio-económicas-cultural,  mejores que en los que observamos luego en Italia,  cuando recorrimos la Tascana y parte del Piamonte. 

        Y ningún signo de la sovietización vivida como remanente cultural, evidencian sociedades occidentales y cristianas mas ricas en eso que en el resto de europa.

        Creemos que con la Rusia actual, son los que mejor futuro tienen de los demás europeos, incluido Francia o España o Italia.

        Creándolo !

        3.- Lituania, Vilnius, merece un comentario particular.

    Nos sentimos como "en casa", del Hotel Mabre al centro varias veces a pié. En otras veces a San Casimiro, de igual modo, otra atravezando un hermoso parque bordeando un simpático rio - arroyo le llamamos aquí -, muchos estudiantes descansando a su vera en pequeños grupos juveniles.

        Impresionan como gente sustancialmente buena, tal como lo experimentamos con el aporte inmigratorio de lituanos en la Argentina. Y sus mujeres,  un capítulo aparte, el que no trato porque Lilians se enojará.

            Difundan su pais, que si bien no está en los circuitos tradicionales de turismo,   tiene mucho que proponer en ese sentido.




09 July, 2010 

Dear Egle,

I would like to thank you very much for your help and support. My clients have backed very content. Especially theye were satisfied with the guide.

Best RegardsNatalia Łopacińska 07 July, 2010

Dear Alicija,

Thanks so much for your job!!! My mother and her friends were really pleased about how you take care of them. All was perfect settled. Thanks again !!!!


24 June, 2010

Clients wrote to our partners:

Labas Rita,Sirdingas aciu uz puiku musu keliones planavima. Hoteliai buvo tikrai "first class" ir abi gides ismintingos ir apsiskaiciusios. We all had so much fun and plan to go to Lithuania again. You are a first-class travel agent we will recommend to our friends!Sirdingai,Daiva ir Marty21 June, 2010

Dear Egle,

Thank you for all you did for us in our recent visit to Lithuania. My mother and I had a delightful time, and you took good care of us. If we can ever solve the mystery of our last name, I would like to make a visit to Suvalkija and Mariampole some day.Aciu, Joel Tishken17 June, 2010

Hallo Kristina

Ich habe gestern mit Herrn Wirth gesprochen und heute auch sein Feedback

betreffend dieser Reise erhalten.

Es war alles bestens. Vor allem ist er begeistert von der Reiseleiterin Audra.

Sie sei eine ausgezeichnete Reiseleiterin mit einem sehr breiten Wissen und bestem

Deutsch. Ebenfalls menschlich eine warme und hilfsbereite Person.

Hotels und Bus waren auch alle sehr gut.

Auch die Rückreise mit Herr/Frau Willimann wurde bestens geregelt.

Nochmals herzlichen Dank für deine gute Zusammenarbeit bei dieser Gruppe.

Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz

Bruno Gerber

16 June, 2010

Dear Egle,

Thanks again for an excellent and professional organisation of our trip through the Baltic last week.

Schedule was OK, everything was well prepared in hotels, restaurants...

Migle and Miina are excellent guides. Edita is lacking some confidence but is actually a good guide.

Rolandas is a carefull and very good driver.

Thanks also for responding positively on some minor changes from our side.

Beste regards and, who knows, untill next year !

Hendrik Goossen

07 June, 2010

Dear Egle,


I'm very happy I called you yesterday, not the other company :-)

Natalia Janjic

RGM Russia

Grand Circle Cruise Line

26 May, 2010

Hallo, liebe Regina,

Dir nochmals herzlichen Dank für die tolle Reiseführung. So haben wir Littauen und Lettland gut kennen gelernt und sind zu wahren Fans geworden. Die Gruppe ist ganz begeistert, es war aber auch wirklich ein voller Erfolg.

Die Reisezeit war auch gut, weit und breit noch keine Touristen, so konnten wir alles geniessen, einschliesslich Panorama-Blick im Gauja-Park.

Mit herzlichen Grüssen


09 May, 2010

Dear Gitana,

I have to thank you for everything.

My client told me that your services were perfect! And they are very very pleased.

I am looking forward to work again with you.

Hope to work again.

Best regards




29 Oct 2009

Liebe Kristina Martinaviciene,

wir sind gestern gegen Mitternacht wieder in Deutschland angekommen. Wir haben viele neue Eindrücke aus Litauen mitgenommen und werden gerne einmal zurückkommen. Uns hat der Aufenthalt sehr gut gefallen.

Ich darf Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern nochmals sehr herzlich für Ihre Organisation danken, die Fahrt war für alle ein Erlebnis. Unsere Fremdenführerin, Frau Mazeikaite, der freundliche Busfahrer, Herr Schuhmacher sowie die perfekte Organisation hatten dabei einen wesentlichen Anteil.

Herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland

Jochen Müller

Gymnasium Nieder-Olm

 Caro Pawel

voglio proprio ringraziarti per tutto l'aiuto che hai dato a noi ed ai Cameristi della Scala.

Lo spettacolo è andato molto bene, con tutto esaurito e un entusiasmo tutto lituano per la buona musica.

Dopo il teatro abbiamo bevuto un paio di bicchieri con i Maestri, ed hanno confessato di essersi trovati meravigliosamente: che tutto era di altissimo livello (trasporti, hotel, cibo, pubblico, simpatia, ecc)

Stiamo pensando che forse potremmo organizzare con loro anche qualcosa d'altro.

Mi spiace solo che non ho visto (anche se mi hanno detto che c'era) Egle.

Tutto bene quindi.

ing. Guido Lévera

Console Onorario di Lituania


Gentile Signor Pavel.

Siamo rientrati entusiasti del nostro viaggio. Bello ,piacevole ,interessante,in ottime sistemazioni e…  persino con bel tempo! Siamo anche riusciti ad andare all’opera di Riga a vedere un buon Don Giovanni.

I suoi suggerimenti sono stati preziosi e gli alberghi ottimi per questo la ringraziamo tanto e al più presto le riporteremo le guide che ci ha prestato.

Faremo molta pubblicità con gli amici a questi bei paesi!   A presto dunque

Olga maestri rivolta

 Liebe Kristina,

auch ich habe zwischenzeitlich schon mit Herrn Widmann sprechen können und er hat auch mir gesagt, dass alles gut gelaufen ist und geklappt hat.

Für die hervorragende Organisation und die gute Betreuung möchten wir uns auch ganz herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken!!

Es ist doch sehr beruhigend zu wissen, dass man sich auf eine Agentur verlassen kann!

Sehr geherte Frau Martinavicienne,

nach der sehr gelungenen Reise nach Litauen möchte ich mich bei Ihnen ausdrücklich für die hervorragende Organisation bedanken. Unsere Kunden waren sehr zufrieden. Herzlichen Dank für die vielfältige Unterstützung!

Einen besonderen Dank auch für die Vermittlung von Frau Regina Jomantiene, die unsere Gruppe erstklassig betreut hat.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jörg Widmann, Reiseleiter 

 Wir sind nun alle von unserer RIGA-Reise wieder nach Berlin zurückgekehrt. Es hat alles bestens geklappt. Die Reiseführerein hat sich als wahre Perle erwiesen, das gute Wetter war zugleich auch eine gute Fassung dieser Perle. Alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer waren durchweg zufrieden.

Herr Valentien / Berlin Lions Club

 Laba diena Alicija,

Visu pirma, didziausias aciu uz operatyvia pagalba!!!

Nepaisant smulkiu detaliu, kelione, manau, pavyko. Ispudziai pas turistus labai geri. Svarbiausia, buvo puikus oras, gera atmosfera. Pasiseke, kad pataikem i gatves muzikantu diena. Labai patenktinti gidu Vladimiru. Labai gaila, kad buvom prisversti suspausti ekskursine programa Trakuose, kad laiku spetume iki sienos davaziuoti. Ant sienos buvome lygiai 0:00 :)) Bet tikrai labai idomiai pasakoja! Neigiama atspalvi inese pats kelias, kuris gan varginantis, bet cia jau nieko nepadarysi... Tad viskas praejo puikiai! Ir dar karta aciu uz toki darba!


Andrius Butkus

 Dear Jurgita-san,

For quite some time, I have been meaning to thank you properly for the excellent and kind arrangements for our recent trip to Villnius and Riga and I do apologize for this late e-mail. Thanks to your help, we had a wonderful time in the two Baltic countries. All four of us are very grateful to you for the perfect selection and arrangements. We enjoyed every moment we spent there. It was much too short and hectic a stay and we are hoping to return in the near future. On our/my next visit, I am hoping to have the pleasure of meeting with you.

Our time in the two lovely countries made us realize just how little we know about them. It seems the Baltic nations still remain a relatively unknown region in Japan. Although the two countries and their people seem quite different, we are very much impressed and touched by the high cultural standards as well as the national pride of the people of both countries. Your people have the quality and perspective that our Japanese have unfortunately lost in the recent years of economic success and we feel we can learn from you. We also think the Baltic region has great tourism potential in Japan.

Warmest regards,

Hiromi Horiuchi

I want to thank your agency for providing an excellent car and driver, and and exceptionally well trained and delightful guide for our visit to Vilnius and Kaunas this week. It was a wonderful experience, and the quality of service was fantastic. Please relay our gratitude and best regards to both driver and guide.


Richard and James

Caro Pawel,

siamo appena tornati dal ns. giro a San Pietroburgo, Helsinki e Tallin. Tutto bene, è stato bellissimo e  ha funzionato tutto alla perfezione,

non ci sono state né sorprese né disguidi, tutto è andato secondo i ns. desideri. Grazie ancora,  e complimenti  per la Vs. professionalità.

Ci risentiamo al prossimo giro. Ciao. Vincenzo

 Dear Jolanta,

Just to feedback on the weekend. The hotel was fine with friendly, helpful staff and we have fed this back to them direct. All the arrangements worked perfectly; the driver was waiting for us when we arrived and he turned up on time to return us to the airport. Vilnius is an ideal spot for a weekend break particularly when the weather is good, which it was, there is plenty to see, and plenty of restaurants / bars to choose from, all in all a great weekend.

Thank you for all your efforts in arranging the weekend, I would not hesitate to recommend your business to others, and indeed I would be happy to use you services again in the future.



Buon giorno Renata e Pawel,

mi fa piacere informarvi che il gruppo è rientrato contento dal tour  ed ha apprezzato le visite svolte. Buoni/ottimi gli alberghi, molta brava la guida di Riga anche perché parla molto bene l'italiano ma brave anche le altre due.

Per quest'anno credo che non avrò altri gruppi, ma state certi costantemente propongo ai miei cliente questa destinazione !

Grazie per la collaborazione e  cordiali saluti


Buongiorno carissima!

Ho appena finito di parlare al telefono con il Capogruppo del grp Arcomboldo.... sono contentissimi del viaggio e mi hanno fatto i complimenti.

Gli alberghi, i ristoranti e le guide tutti buoni e bravi. Mi ha detto che l'hotel di Tallliin è bellissimo. Comunque grazie a te per l'organizzazione e per il felice svolgimento del viaggio.




Bonjour Marija,

Avec du retard, je voulais vous remercier pour le temps que vous m'avez consacré à Vilnius. J'ai beaucoup apprécié.

Nous sommes revenus enchantés de notre périple aux Pays-Baltes. Nous avons passé de très bonnes vacances. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

Carole Vitetta de Bleu Voyages Grenoble

For my sister and me, this was the first visit ever, and I think we were both very at ease, and very appreciative of the land, the beauty, and the very nice people.  Speaking for myself (although I know Vikie agrees), Vilnius was a big surprise -- no idea there was such a beautiful senamiestis!  Reminded me of Rome, Paris, or any other old and venerable European city, with exquisite architecture, especially the churches.  With all the tourists there from different lands, it certainly had an international flavor.  Palanga too struck me as extrordinarily beatiful - and Neringa, and Nida.  Anyway, I could go on and on.  All in all, it was a wonderful trip, and I believe your planning and guiding it really made it happen, and made it work.  By the way, mother had her walker with her throughout - a walker on wheels -- and we could hardly keep up with her at times!  It was an excellent journey, and I just wanted to share some of these highlights.

Again, thank you for helping us make this happen.  It could not have been better in any way. Mother swears she’s too old to ever go back, but, we’ll see!  I’d like to go back with my husband, share some the adventure with him!

May all your travels be safe, and very enjoyable.  It has been a pleasure working with you throughout in planning this lovely adventure!

Aldona Valaitis

Ciao Pawel e Renata,

ho parlato ieri con il cliente Tour Leader di questo gruppo, tutto è andato molto bene, sia hotel che ristoranti che guide. Il gruppo è stato molto contento.

Tranne quei piccoli imprevisti che però non sono di vostra competenza (bagagli, etcc.. mi hanno poi anche detto che due pax sono dovuti rientrare prima per problemi famigliari).

Grazie ancora di tutto e .... alla prossima!!

Laura Schiappacasse

 As for Vilnius itself, what a superb place!  It’s a lovely, historic

city, the people are all very friendly and good fun, and there are lots

of excellent bars and clubs for us tourists - I don’t think we could

have chosen a better place to go.

Thanks for all your help, I hope we’ll be back one day!

Rob Moffat

Hi Egle

Sending this e-mail through "in total" !  so that you can get the whole picture from Barbara !

WELL DONE !  .. looks like you did a fantastic job for this group !

Thank you very much indeed !

Maybe the Monika comments need to be checked out ?

Why didnt all the group get Junior Suites as confirmed ?

Both guides sound WONDERFUL ...  great choice !  I hope they enjoyed it too !

Kind regards


 Dear Egle,

My special thanks to you and your team for the wonderful job you did for our group to Vilnius. The customers and our crew were delighted with your services and we have noticed and appreciated your attention and support to our travel agency. The extra time and effort you put in were certainly worthwhile. It is a joy for me to work with such dedicated and talented colleagues.



Thank you Jurgita,

You are so fast!!!!

Definitely the fastest out of all our suppliers, it is really easy doing business with you.

Hope to do many more reservations with you.

Thank you again


Dear Jurgita,

It was nice meeting you in Vilnius!  Gail and I are now home and I want to thank you for your excellent trip planning skills!  Everything worked perfectly and we had a marvelous time.  I will keep your email and company information and be certain to refer to you friends who are planning trips to the area your company services.

Thanks again for all your help and planning.


Nancy McCaslin

Liebe Kristina,

Vielen Dank für deine e-mail. Die Gruppe ist wieder gut und zufrieden nach

Hause gekommen. Von deiner Organisation her und auch von der Reiseleiterin

her war alles bestens.

Ja, so ist eine wirklich sehr schöne Reise mit vielen neuen Eindrücken und

zufriedenen Kunden zu Ende gegangen.  Wir bedanken uns für deine Bemühungen

und richte bitte auch der Reiseleiterin unser besten Grüße und unseren Dank


Liebe Grüße aus dem jetzt "kalten" Deutschland - vielleicht bis zum nächsten Mal

Carmen und Josef

Sehr geehrte Frau Dovile,

ich möchte mich bei Ihnen recht herzlich  für die sehr gute Organisation bedanken. Wir hatten zwar wenig Zeit, aber unsere Gäste haben den Aufenthalt in Klaipeda und auf der Kurischen Nehrung sehr gelobt. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich die 2 Reiseleiterinnen Frau Romualda und Frau Iveta, die ihre Arbeit sehr guit gemacht haben.

Nochmals vielen Dank und alles Gute für Sie und Ihr Team.

Der Blumenstrauß ist für Sie

Viele Grüße

Achim Gnauck

Dear Sigita,

I have been spoken to Knutsen Maskin regarding their trip to Vilnius.

They are very pleased with the trip - it had been very nice - EVERYTHING !

One million thanks for good help :)

Have a nice day from Norway !!!!
